
Showing posts from September, 2021

Best & Affordable Neighbourhood Hair Salons & Haircut In Singapore

Located in Pacific Plaza, Maax Hair Salon boasts a large, clean interior that can accommodate several customers at once. It’s also equipped with top-of-the-line salon equipment and hair care products to help ensure every session is a success. As for this salon though, their signature service is hair colouring using a specialised technique called AirTouch. It provides a more seamless blend of colour modified to suit Asian hair. Our favourite feature of this salon is that you can enjoy a quick snack or a cup of coffee during your hair treatment. You can also head over to their cafĂ©-slash-bar section to enjoy a meal with friends afterwards. Topp Care Hair Solutions Get Up To 69% Savings! Except of course, if you get a lousy cut, the slate isn't always that clean. You'll be spending extra minutes to hours each day trying to style or tie or hide your locks so that they don't look so bad. Your hair is the finishing touch to your style and the ultimate fashion accessory. Sit bac